Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ear Infection

Ear Infection oil (Athreya thailum )

Items Required :-
1. Carom Seeds (or) Thymol Seeds [Vaamu] -10gms
2. Turmeric Powder [Pasupu]-10gms
3. Radish guice [Mullangi Rasam]- 75gms
4. Sesame oil [Nuvvulu Noone]-250gms

Process :-
1. Radish guice is nothing but take some water and radish in mixer and filter the guice.
2. Mix Radish guice, Carom seeds, Turmeric powder in Sesame oil and mix it well.
3. Keep the oil on stove on low flame still the water evaporates and only oil is left.
4. For an idea the oil after boiling should be 250 gms.
Note :- Be away from oil when it is boiling and make sure it is on low flame.

Usage :-
-> Keep this oil in a small ear drop bottle and use it when ever u get ear infection.
-> Use 1 drop for children and 2 drops for elders.


venu gopal said...

Thak u for ur information about aayrvedam jeevana vignanam.

Aruna Sree Kalyanapu said...

Thanks was very useful as we missed many episodes.

Unknown said...

baalabaanumukha lepanam how todo that